Monday, August 9, 2010

First Two

Here are the first two charity quilts for Ebony's giveaway contest. 

It's taken me awhile to get some other projects cleared up, but I finished these two Saturday.  On Sunday, I prepped 4 more.  Hopefully they will finish quickly.  It's a busy week this week.  I'm hoping having things ready to go will provide some sewing stress relief. 

One of my skills goals with these projects is to improve my machine sewn binding.  I always prefer machine sewing the first side and hand sewing the back side.  Sometimes you need something faster, or very durable, and machine sewing would be better.  I did one of these quilts by hand and one by machine using a glue down method.  I was pretty satisfied with how it came out.  There were only two small spots that I got to close to or missed the edge.  That was mostly because I was in a hurry since I had to get ready for a party.  Still, I'm looking to improve accuracy with practice.

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